Well-run nonprofits are led by the most resourceful, creative, and optimistic people I've ever encountered in my career. They dream to change the world, and then they have the pragmatism and skill to actually do it.
My very first client epitomizes this spirit. The founder of Plant a Row for the Hungry Port Washington had a dream to enlist his entire community to grow fresh produce from their gardens so that the local food bank could provide delicious fresh food to the food insecure. He and his Board partnered with more than a dozen organizations* in town to build a garden-to-food pantry distribution network. He has enlisted political leaders and fellow nonprofit leaders to get access to unused land in town to build more gardens. He has pulled in business sponsors like The Home Depot Depot and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, faith communities, families, local businesses and nonprofits, high school students, children and a mass of volunteers to plant and harvest 50,000+ pounds of produce for this program from nothing. Dirt.
This past weekend, Plant a Row for the Hungry PW was the cover story and 8-page spread in Long Island’s biggest paper Newsday Send me your contact info if you'd like the PDF of this must-read story in case you hit the subscription firewall.
I’m honored to call Plant a Row my first client and its founder Marvin Makofsky my dad.
My subsequent nonprofit clients have my equal admiration. You've created something from nothing that makes our world a better place.

*@Rewild Long Island Spectrum Designs Foundation Community Chest of Port Washington Dejana Industries Inc BAYLES GARDEN CENTER & NURSERY INC The Art Guild of Port Washington Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults @The Navigators The Nicholas Center Port Washington Children’s Center @Thomas Dodge Homestead @Our Lady of Fatima @Port Jewish Center Port Washington Public Library Residents Forward and so many others.