Trivia Answers
Time to see how your Donor Boom trivia knowledge measures up!
Question #1
Q: Donor Boom is the top business sponsor of [?], which proudly hangs a DB banner on the front of its building.
A. Burlingame High School
B. Salesforce
C. Coit Tower
D. The White House
A: Donor Boom is the top business sponsor of Burlingame High School, which proudly hangs a DB banner in the front of its building. Sari’s first love is raising money for public schools.
Question #2
Q: DB helped secure a $6.5 million capital campaign grant for Charter Oak Cultural Center. How was Sari first connected to this nonprofit?
A. On LinkedIn
B. Sari’s kids ‘pitched’ DB
C. ED officiated Sari’s wedding
A: Sari’s connection to Charter Oak Cultural Center has known Sari for over 40 years and even officiated her wedding (and her b-mitzvah too).
Question #3
Q: Where did Sari come up with the name for Donor Boom?
A. Stuck in traffic
B. On a ski lift
C. In the garden
D. During her first client pitch
A: On a ski lift!! And she bought the domain name before she pulled off her ski boots for the day.